Custom Fit Orthotics -- Houston, TX

For an Appointment Call (281) 496-3355
An important component in a patients healing process is a balanced foot structure. Orthotics are shoe inserts that are intended to correct abnormal, or irregular, walking pattern. Consider that your feet are the foundation for your body just like the foundation of a house. If the foundation of your house is misaligned then the structure of the house will be altered. The same applies to a patients feet, if the foot structure is misaligned then the rest of your body will be altered. If there is a problem with a patients feet then it may lead to a problem with your knees, hips, low back and all the way up to your neck.

Advanced Technology in Orthotics

Houston Health & Wellness utilizes the most advanced technology to develop your custom made orthotics. We perform a digital scan of your feet to determine if there is abnormal pressure being applied to your feet. From your digital scan custom orthotics are made by Foot Levelers to put your feet into proper alignment. Foot Levelers orthotics provide the support your feet need but are not rigid like most orthotics making them comfortable to wear.

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Orthotic Tips

  • Wear shoes that work well with your orthotics.
  • Bring your orthotics with you whenever you purchase a new pair of shoes.
  • Wear socks or stockings similar to those that you plan on wearing when you shop for new shoes.
  • Return as directed for follow-up evaluation of the functioning of your orthotics. This is important for making certain that your feet and orthotics are functioning properly together.

Stop suffering from your symptoms.
Call and schedule an appointment with us today!
Call 281-496-3355 to be seen by Dr. Rorick right away!

Houston Health & Wellness / West Houston Chiropractor
Medical Physicians, Chiropractors & Clinical Therapists
2550 Gray Falls Drive, Suite 120 Houston, TX 77077
Phone: (281) 496-3355
Dedicated to providing West Houston families the highest quality care possible.